5th NDEXPO 2018 International Forum
High Technologies for Sustainable Development #NDEXPO2018 #НДЭКСПО2018
September 25–26, 2018, Moscow, Skolkovo Technopark
You are invited to take part in the sponsorship and partnership programs of the 5th NDEXPO 2018 International Forum – High Technologies for Sustainable Development.
Having the status of a Forum sponsor or partner enables you to:
Opportunities offered by the NDEXPO 2018 International Forum:
Being a sponsor or partner of the 5th NDEXPO 2018 International Forum at the most innovative technology park in Europe means getting the maximum effect from the positioning of your company!
We are ready to consider your proposals and prepare an individual package of opportunities that will take into account all the subtleties and nuances of your business and your positioning goals.
Contact information for questions concerning sponsorship and partnership:
Inga Gorb
E-mail: ITGorb@atomexpo.com
Telephone: +7 (499) 922-8995 ext. 161
Mobile telephone: +7 (915) 015-0076
Tel./Fax: +7 (499) 922-89- 95
E-mail: ndexpo@atomexpo.com
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